Today’s workers are bored, and they feel more isolated and disengaged from their employers than ever before. A recent study shows the root of the problem, with 60% of employees reporting feeling less-than-enthusiastic about internal communications. Among those surveyed, 44% percent say that their business’s internal communications are stagnant, with nothing having changed in the past five years. This survey demonstrates that few businesses are investing in newer technologies like internal social media, one of the most powerful team building tools available.
Facebook Ads vs boosted posts, which is better? This is a common question among Facebook page admins. And even if you’re relatively new to all this, you will eventually see a notification popping up encouraging you to “boost a post.” The reason being that the post may be high-performing, or Facebook’s algorithms may have found […]
Learn about FOMO – the fear of missing out, social media, and how to leverage it for your business via marketing tactics that evoke psychological responses.
Despite its advancing age, Facebook is still a giant in the social media world. For online marketers, it’s particularly notable thanks to its robust advertising system. However, Facebook now offers so many options through the Facebook Ads Manager ...
Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have become ubiquitous in western culture, but there are always new platforms trying to rise to the surface. In this article, we’re going to examine some of the social media platforms that hope to ...
A "regram" is seen on a daily basis for many Instagram users - and many companies, or influencers, use regramming for high-quality, user-generated content. What's regramming? It's the act of using someone else's Instagram photo and resharing it on ...
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn’t just important on websites. It’s also crucial when it comes to your social media content. Social media profiles often rank above actual websites on search engines, so you want to make sure your profiles are ...
Here at Revive.Social, we believe in the power of data. We know automation works, and we know our Revive Old Post plugin is an effective way to automate your social media presence and boost high-quality content on your WordPress site. However, ...